IPPAG has over 1,500 employees around the world with in-depth experience in a wide range of industries and a combined annual turnover of more than €200 million.
IPPAG was set up in 1965 by sourcing pioneers collaborating for mutual benefit and has evolved by consolidating its buying power and controlling and managing its supply chain through a series of global initiatives. The organisation has now developed further by establishing a global joint venture initiative, IPPAG Global Promotions, with a central management team headquartered in Switzerland.
IPPAG Global Promotions provides full service global solutions for promotional items, with global, regional and national account management and expertise through our partners based in all major countries around the world.
IPPAG is driven by its partners' common desire to share and grow together. This close and frequent collaboration makes every party stronger for the benefit of each other, our clients and our suppliers.
IPPAG Cooperative
Münchensteinerstrasse 43
CH-4002 Basel